Friday, May 18, 2012

Choosing a New Mantra

When I leave a little room for my habitual thinking to take over fear and worry are the dominant thoughts.  Just as there are default settings in a computer there is also one with in each of us.  Mine happens create a heavy load on my shoulders.  That's no fun! There is no joy in this setting.  What to do?  I've tried the method of observing my thoughts but I found no relief in such a practice. Fear and worry are a sticky substance.  Thankfully we all posses will power which can remove the most stickiest of substances. Developing my will power has been a monumental task.  Such little self confidence I've had! As I come to terms with this, new insights have emerged.  I am beginning to see that positive thinking is a key element for my spiritual awakening.  When I draw my attention to my body and observe my surroundings I am able feel my way towards gratitude.  When I am walking in nature I often practice gratitude for its beauty.  When I am at work I express my gratitude for the great team work and acknowledge the invisible cord which connects us all. When I am trying to overcome a bad habbit I am grateful for the possibility of change. Let me share some first hand experience.
Yesterday I was taking a walk through the neighborhood.  The tall trees, chirping birds, and radiant colors kept me engaged in the moment.  This walk can be a such a centering experience, but there are times when my mind is in default mode.  "Oh no, I am not sure what to say to him about my concerns...How am I going to make enough's going to be difficult to expand my yoga attendance," I say to myself.  This dialogue goes around and around in my head and I've accepted this fear based thinking for so many years. Wait a sec!  Do I have to think this way? Can I make the choice to think otherwise? As this question came to mind it became very clear that I can change my default setting by actively engaging in my thinking process.   
I began a new mantra.  "I choose confidence, I choose confidence, I choose confidence." I began to visualize success in all the things I cared about.  My spirit for life began to blossom. In the midst of this experience my lower tendencies crept in saying, " It is going to be very difficult to achieve your goals."  I responded back with my mantra.  With a firm understanding I counteracted the negative thoughts with an inner force which drove them away. I want to emphasise 'firm understanding' because there has been times in the past when I consciously practiced positive thinking but it was a time of planting seeds. At that time I was reminded by others to remain positive but this time the reminder came from within. How different it feels! How much more invigorating when philosophy meets experience. 

                                         Om Shanti Shanti Shanti        Om Peace Peace Peace


Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Achieving Stability in Yoga

There you are.  You have established yourself in the yoga posture. The stretch is deep and the alignment is precise. You have come a long way in your physical ability of mastering the pose.  As your teacher pushes you further in the forward bend you pull and struggle to reach some desired position.  For a moment there is a mental orgasm, a feeling you have achieved something special.  Like all good things they pass, having you yearning for more.  Your desires start to haunt you by demanding that same feeling from last week.  After years of practice you go on playing to the tune of your desires. You begin to feel helpless and unsuccessful in accomplishing a feeling of union.  Depression kicks in and you are about ready to quite the yogic path.  You decide today is your last class.
With all hope for achievement given up you naturally drop your desires. The teacher tells you to stay present with the sensations of the body and the breath.  As you do so the body feels heavy and firm against the mat. As the breath moves in and out you feel an energy field within and without your body.  You feel the entire body is made of energy; it expands with the in breath and contracts with the out breath.  From Shavasana (corpse pose) you gracefully move into your asanas (posture). As you come into the forward bend your head rest against your knees as it has many times before. The teacher begins to push your back as he has many times before.  A voice inside says "surrender." Agreeing, you keep you body relaxed and begin to go deeper than ever before. Still it doesn't matter to you.  You've put you attention on the breath. The sensations of your body come into your field of awareness but you don't give importance.  Your not sure where the body starts and ends.  It is a feeling of energy and space.  This expereince deepens with each passing posture. When you come out of final relaxation thoughts have no grip on you. They still arise but pass like a distant cloud in the sky.  As you walk to your car nothing feels more important. As you move you right hand to open the door nothing feels more important. As you hold the steering wheel and push down on the accelerator nothing feels more important. This experience of doing one thing at a time brings joy to yourheart. The load of desire has lifted. 
As the time passes and your attachment to the world thickens but you are not worried. You understand that the experiences are separate from the experiencer, that a desireless life filled with positive healthy actions is a life of abundance and satisfaction.

                                      Om Shanti Shanti Shanti              Om Peace Peace Peace

Friday, April 6, 2012

Inspiring Thoughts and Prayers for the Day

 Excerpt from the "Book of Daily Thoughts and Prayers"
                               By Swami Paramananda

Salient Thought
Great things are near, but we must have certain unfoldment to be able to partake of them.

Lines to memorize
The resonance of They voice aroused me who was slumbering in idle dreams.  My waking was only for a a moment, But Thou hast wrought a strange miracle within my soul.
Now even in sleep I find something in me always awake and watching. That which Though hast roused in me can sleep no more.

Nature holds for us a rich treasure. She has great lessons for us; but we must have spiritual vision to perceive what She offers.  We take layer after layer off and things unfold themselves; this is the real secret of revelation. When it comes, man realizes he has a mighty spiritual heritage, that he has the power of Divinity within him. But no one can force this realization on us, we must acquire it ourselves.


O Thou who dwellest in my heart!
Help me to withdraw my mind from all
     Mundane glamour
And make it so clear and calm,
That is will reflect the Spirit of Truth.
Awaken me from the sleep of ignorance
    and delusion,
And grant me understanding of my divine

Monday, April 2, 2012

The danger of a fickle mind, and its remedy

This past weekend I attended a concert of classical Hindustani music at Amma's ashram.  What started as a wrestling match in my mind between conflicting desires ended up teaching me critical insight into the nature of my mind, specifically why I often feel so out of touch with the present moment.  Let me explain.

Before the concert began I had doubts about attending.  Classical Indian vocal music has never sparked my interest because of it's complex beats and rhythms.  Music like all art either inspires you or it doesn't.

Having this doubt set the stage for disappointment, or did it? As the music began I tried so hard to find interest. The more I tried the worse I felt.  My mind was jumping all over the place. I tried one technique after another to bring myself in the music, but I failed miserably. The thought of having attended this entire concert without any fulfillment brought a feeling of bitterness. What was I to do?

Roughly three quarters into the performance I asserted my will power towards concentrating with my entire being, determined to push aside ALL! doubtful and fickle minded thoughts. I gazed at the fingers of the harmonium player determined to be aware only of the movement of his fingers. As I stared with intensity the rays of my mind gathered, creating a calming sensation. The present moment began to awaken.  I was nipping unwanted thoughts at the bud, not allowing them to sink in and influence my emotional body.  As I continued this process the music came into the forefront and I effortlessly became absorbed. I was winning the battle against my fickle mind.

 It brought me joy knowing that I have the ability to will myself into any given moment. I see this as a bridge, a stepping stone to the ever present NOW!
                                                        OM Shanti Shanti Shanti

 (Technique for developing concentration)

Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Amazing Young Coconut Kefir

It's simple to make, wonderful tasting, and extremely healing to the gut.  I strongly encourage you to make it yourself.  I've been recovering from an imbalance in the gut for 2 years now. Irregular bowel movements, bloating, indigestion, poor sleep have been an ongoing challenge.  Taking young coconut kefir has helped tremendously in soothing my gut and promoting healthy and timely bowel movements.  Yes, I am sharing a very personal issue that you should keep in mind. What goes in must come out and when it doesn't come out in a timely manner (constipation) it can lead to a number of health problems.  The powerful probiotic effect of the kefir eats up the harmful/unwanted bacteria in the gut, making it run like a smooth engine.  By the way, it is much cheaper and not to mention a delicious alternative to probiotics in a pill. 

Be good to your gut : )

If you have any questions post them on the blog. I have some delicious shake recipes if interested.

                                                    Shanti Shanti Shanti
                                                   Peace Peace Peace 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Walk with Me: How to harness energy for the day

Walk with Me: How to harness energy for the day: I venture out for a sunrise walk. The birds chirp with enthusiasm. At times I imagine looking through their eyes as they dance through th...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

How to harness energy for the day

I venture out for a sunrise walk. The birds chirp with enthusiasm.  At times I imagine looking through their eyes as they dance through the air. I'm lifted from this limited body to find freedom in the skies. My attention then goes to my breathing.  The cool air penetrates my lungs. Three steps I inhale, three steps I exhale. This walking meditation takes me within where I find less trouble.  I hear and see the world around me, naked, free from my prejudice mind. How simple and beautiful.
As I turn the corner the horizon is glowing with silhouetted oak trees.  The clouds above are pink and orange.  I am fully awake and happy to be alive.  The quiet and calm atmosphere has taken shape in my mind.  I am the early bird who caught the worm of peace.  

With each deep breath I harness energy to last the day. It is called prana or subtle energy.  It is the secret elixir for beauty and health.  If you learn to awaken your prana your eyes will shine with luster and your mind will remain steady and calm. Learn to breath with you entire lung capacity and your entire mind and it is easy to awaken your prana.

My walking becomes light as I stroll across green fields.  The hillside at the end of the block is an open field. This park overlooks the peninsula stretching from SF. to San Jose. It's green and lush grass has collected moisture and shines in the golden sunlight. We discover beauty in the small things.  Go ahead, take a look for yourself. Reaching the front steps of my home I am energized.  I am ready for the day with a lasting energy of power and peace.
                                                  Shanti Shanti Shanti
                                                  Peace Peace Peace

Friday, February 3, 2012

Lets journey to India

 This is a culmination of photos I took on two separate trips lasting 2 years. If you have not been to India this is will give you a glance of it's beauty and spirit. 

May this video inspire you to practice yoga!  Thanks for your time  : ) 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Proper Exercise


Swami Sivananda
The practice of Asanas develops the body and makes it agile, nimble. The practitioner has a very elastic and supple body. He has a keen, vigorous appetite. Any trouble is removed from its starting point by the practice of Asanas. The three important organs, viz., heart, lungs, and brain and the cerebro-spinal system are kept in a healthy condition. The vital forces are also preserved and increased. The circulation of blood in the arteries and veins is kept in proper order. There is no stagnation of blood in any part of the body. The spinal cord is toned up. The practice of Asanas prevents the development of arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. The practice of Asanas, in fact, lubricates the whole bodily system.
My Experience

There are many ways to make the body strong.  Weight lifting, running, swimming, etc. I remember watching a video of Arnold Schwarzenegger weight lifting.  His muscle swelled to the point of near explosion.  Veins popped from his neck like lighting bolts.  It was certainly eye opening to watch Arnold, but I felt uneasy. I couldn't figure out why until I began practicing yoga.

I remember so clearly my first day of yoga practice at the Sivananda  Ashram in Southern India. Lying on my yoga mat I gazed up to the ceiling made of Bambo and coconut leaves.  I felt protected and comforted by natures beauty and strength.

We began the class with pranayam (breathing exercises) then transitioned into the yoga asana's (steady comfortable poses.) Some poses like the headstand required great physical demand.  We were reminded again and again to bring awareness to our breath and body.     I observed the subtle and not so subtle sensations of my mustles contracting and ligaments stretching.   I felt both physically and mentally as light as a butterfly.