Friday, May 18, 2012

Choosing a New Mantra

When I leave a little room for my habitual thinking to take over fear and worry are the dominant thoughts.  Just as there are default settings in a computer there is also one with in each of us.  Mine happens create a heavy load on my shoulders.  That's no fun! There is no joy in this setting.  What to do?  I've tried the method of observing my thoughts but I found no relief in such a practice. Fear and worry are a sticky substance.  Thankfully we all posses will power which can remove the most stickiest of substances. Developing my will power has been a monumental task.  Such little self confidence I've had! As I come to terms with this, new insights have emerged.  I am beginning to see that positive thinking is a key element for my spiritual awakening.  When I draw my attention to my body and observe my surroundings I am able feel my way towards gratitude.  When I am walking in nature I often practice gratitude for its beauty.  When I am at work I express my gratitude for the great team work and acknowledge the invisible cord which connects us all. When I am trying to overcome a bad habbit I am grateful for the possibility of change. Let me share some first hand experience.
Yesterday I was taking a walk through the neighborhood.  The tall trees, chirping birds, and radiant colors kept me engaged in the moment.  This walk can be a such a centering experience, but there are times when my mind is in default mode.  "Oh no, I am not sure what to say to him about my concerns...How am I going to make enough's going to be difficult to expand my yoga attendance," I say to myself.  This dialogue goes around and around in my head and I've accepted this fear based thinking for so many years. Wait a sec!  Do I have to think this way? Can I make the choice to think otherwise? As this question came to mind it became very clear that I can change my default setting by actively engaging in my thinking process.   
I began a new mantra.  "I choose confidence, I choose confidence, I choose confidence." I began to visualize success in all the things I cared about.  My spirit for life began to blossom. In the midst of this experience my lower tendencies crept in saying, " It is going to be very difficult to achieve your goals."  I responded back with my mantra.  With a firm understanding I counteracted the negative thoughts with an inner force which drove them away. I want to emphasise 'firm understanding' because there has been times in the past when I consciously practiced positive thinking but it was a time of planting seeds. At that time I was reminded by others to remain positive but this time the reminder came from within. How different it feels! How much more invigorating when philosophy meets experience. 

                                         Om Shanti Shanti Shanti        Om Peace Peace Peace


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